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Did you know that we also provide Professional Development for both Teachers and Tutors?

Posted : 26 Oct, 2020 Author : Admin Administrator



If you are like one of many seeking to take their professional development to the next level, then with Choice Education Group you are in the right place! All of our accredited professional development for teachers is in accordance with the relevant teaching institutions within your state.


Not only is professional development required (at least 20 hours a year) it is a great way to ensure that you are up to date with the latest teaching methods and professional conduct.


When preparing courses for your professional development we ensure that they are in accordance with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) in that they address at least one standard in each of their three domains: Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement.


We are also proudly offering professional development for ‘Teaching for Special Needs’. This has since become a mandatory requirement for all teachers in Victoria to complete professional development within this area to improve their ability and knowledge in teaching students with disabilities.


The sessions we have designed cover a range of topics suggested through educational research and intertwines this with the experience of Educational assessors. At the end of your sessions you will have greater knowledge on how to effectively meet the needs of students with disabilities both inside and outside of the classroom. We cover:


● Types of special needs disabilities & disorders

● Specific strategies to assist students with varying special needs

● Includes collegiate activity on individualising pedagogy and differentiating worksheets for students with special needs.


If you are worried about how costly this will be, don’t be! Each of our sessions that we run are either free or very low cost. Whether you are a Full Time Teacher or a Part Time Tutor our professional development will be suited to you. Each of our presenters are extremely knowledgeable within their field, ensuring you get the most out of each session.


We have a range of sessions coming up for Professional Development accessible both online and in person. If you have any questions or queries, we would love to hear from you!